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vae plate.tex (762B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=7mm]
      2 	\node[pdiag observed] (x) {\(\rndmvctr{x}\)};
      3 	\node[pdiag latent, above=8mm of x] (z) {\(\rndmvctr{z}\)};
      4 	\node[inner sep=1mm, left=of z] (phi) {\(\vctr{\phi}\)};
      5 	\node[inner sep=1mm, right=of x] (theta) {\(\vctr{\theta}\)};
      6 	\draw[arrow] (z) -- (x);
      7 	\draw[arrow] (theta) -- (x);
      8 	\draw[arrow] (theta) -- (z);
      9 	\draw[arrow, dashed] (x) to[out=135, in=-135] (z);
     10 	\draw[arrow, dashed] (phi) -- (z);
     12 	\coordinate (plspace1) at ($(x.south) + (0, -2mm)$);
     13 	\coordinate (plspace2) at ($(x.east) + (3mm, 0)$);
     14 	\coordinate (plspace3) at ($(x.west) + (-3mm, 0)$);
     15 	\node[pdiag plate, inner sep=1mm, fit=(x) (z) (plspace1) (plspace2) (plspace3)] (p) {};
     16 	\node[anchor=south east] at (p.south east) {\(N\)};
     17 \end{tikzpicture}